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Practical mini-school of EPR spectroscopy at the BIP in partnership with the European research infrastructure MOSBRI
from May 15, 2023
to May 17, 2023


The BIP hosted from 15 to 17 May 2023 a practical mini-school of EPR spectroscopy as part of the European research infrastructure MOSBRI (Molecular-Scale Biophysics in Europe) whose theme was: "RPE spectroscopy: metal and radical centers for the study of proteins". Eleven masters or thesis students from seven different countries (Germany, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Czech Republic, United Kingdom) have actively participated in this school. The main objective was to explain the basics of EPR spectroscopy and to show the different approaches that can be used to study biomolecules. The program included introductory theoretical courses during the first half-day followed by three sessions of practical work carried out in small groups during the remaining day and a half. Participants learned about the different uses of EPR spectroscopy, ranging from conventional EPR to more advanced pulsed EPR, by performing experiments at room temperature and cryogenic conditions. All members of the EPR-MRS website helped make this event as interesting and friendly as possible!

school mosbri 4 panels